Terms & Conditions (Cloud Nine BodyCare)
1. General Terms & Conditions
The terms and conditions stated below (“Terms and Conditions”) must be accepted and agreed by every customer of Cloud Nine BodyCare (“customer/(s)”). By making a reservation / booking at Cloud Nine BodyCare, the customers are deemed to have read and understood the Terms and Conditions. Cloud Nine BodyCare reserves its right to change, amend, add or delete any of the Terms and Conditions without prior notice and the customers shall be bound by such changes.
2. Our Quality Assurance
Cloud Nine BodyCare serves majority male customers. For female customers, do notify us in advance for us to make the necessary arrangement for female therapists.
Cloud Nine BodyCare is committed to ensure that products and services are of a satisfactory quality that meet and comply with the requirement defined in the Sales of Goods Act S14 (2), Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act and Lemon Law.
Cloud Nine BodyCare complies with the Massage Establishment Act and Regulatory requirements as mandated by the Singapore Police Force. Definition “Products” in this manual refer to any tangible merchandise offered for sale at Cloud Nine BodyCare premises, which includes but are not limited to skin care, massage or any therapeutic-related products. “Services” in this manual refer to hands-on therapeutic treatments that include but are not limited to both facial and body massages.
Cloud Nine BodyCare only offers pay-as-you use treatment and does not collect any forms of prepayments including but not limited to packages, gift vouchers and membership fees.
3. Warranties & Service Guarantees
Products – Cloud Nine BodyCare provides a 5 working days (excluding Sat, Sun and Public Holidays) defect-free guarantee for all products. If the product is established by Cloud Nine BodyCare to be defective, an identical product will replace it provided that the defective product is returned to Cloud Nine BodyCare within 5 working days of the purchase with the original receipt. Where an identical product cannot be offered, Cloud Nine BodyCare will refund the full payment of the defective product to the customer within 14 working days (excluding Sat, Sun and Public Holidays). Any free premium gifts (if any) given during the purchase of the products, original price will be borne by the customers as no refunds and exchanges are allowed.
Defective skin care products with shelf life have to be returned within 5 working days (excluding Sat, Sun and Public Holidays) with the original receipt to be replaced by an identical item or refund within 14 working days (excluding Sat, Sun and Public Holidays).
Services – Customers are given 10 minutes of the treatment and given one chance to change the therapist if the treatment is not satisfactory within 10 minutes. Customers are also required to fill up the Health Declaration Form upon arrival and those with existing health conditions are advised to consult their doctors before treatment.
Cloud Nine BodyCare does not engage in selling activities or any form of selling tactics during treatments and in the treatment room.
4. Etiquette
a) Customers are advised to make prior reservations for all services and arrive 5 minutes before their scheduled appointment to enjoy the full duration of service.
b) Customers are advised to silent their mobile phones and other electronics in the treatment room.
c) Customers are given 5 minutes to shower before or after the treatment session.
d) Customers are advised to respect the therapists providing the professional treatment. No “special” services are allowed, and warning will be given to customers with indecent behaviour. Treatment will be stopped immediately if warning is ignored and there will be no refund or compensation.
5. Exchange & Refund
All products sold are non-refundable and non-exchangeable except if the product is established by us to be defective and returned to the shop within 5 working days of purchase together with the original receipt. Under such circumstances, the defective product will be replaced with an identical product. Where an identical product could not be offered, we will refund the full payment of the defective product to the customer within 14 working days (excluding Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays). Any free premium gifts given during the purchase of the products, original price will be borne by the customers as no refunds and exchanges are allowed.
Skin care products with shelf-life are allowed only be returned within 5 working days (excluding Sat, Sun and Public Holidays) with the original receipt. It will be replaced by an identical item or refund within 14 working days.
6. Payment Method
Cloud Nine BodyCare accepts the following methods of payment for products and services :
a) Cash (Singapore currency only)
c) All Major Credit Cards
d) PayNow
Receipts will be issued to customers to acknowledge any form of payments.
7. Accuracy of Charging
All prices of products and services shall be quoted as nett prices and will be clearly communicated to our customers and prominently stated at appropriate shop area and/or communication materials. Cloud Nine BodyCare is a non-GST registered entity and is committed to the policy of not over or under-charging and ensuring correct change. Prices do not include additional charges for Add-Ons and Other Services. Please refer to the price list for separate charges for Add-Ons and Other Services.
8. Transparency of Pricing
Cloud Nine BodyCare will ensure that additional charges for Add-Ons and Other Services will be clearly reflected as separate and distinct from the prices of main treatment / services in the price list and in other relevant forms of communication materials.
9. Honouring Price Quotes
Cloud Nine BodyCare will always honour prices that were quoted at the time of purchase. Cloud Nine BodyCare will ensure that validity of promotional prices and discounts will be clearly communicated to our customers and prominently stated at appropriate shop area and/or communication materials.
10. Security
Confidentiality of customer data. Cloud Nine BodyCare will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that customer’s personal information will be kept in a safe and secure manner and that no unauthorized access to the information will be allowed. Customer data collected are meant only for treatments / sales transaction purposes. Cloud Nine BodyCare will always obtain written consent from our customers if required for any external purpose.